Sanskrit Baby Names

Huge collection of 8031 names starting with A - Z, meaning and numerology. Check all the pages to find your unique name for newborn.
  • Baby Name
  • Meaning
  • Numerology
  • Gender
  • Add to Fav
  • Alabhy
  • Precious;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Alabhya
  • Unique; Difficult to Acquire;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Alagesa
  • Lord of Individuals;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Alaghu
  • Serious; Heavy;Not Light; Solemn;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Alakananda
  • Name of a River;
  • 6
  • Girl
  • Alaknanda
  • A River in the Himalayas; Flawless;
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Alam
  • The Whole World; Universe;World;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Alankara
  • Jewelry; The Beautiful;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Alankrita
  • Decorated;
  • 6
  • Girl
  • Alapi
  • 3
  • Girl
  • Alapini
  • Lute;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Alarka
  • A Mad Dog;Furious;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Alesa
  • Large; Much;Not Little;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Alia
  • Lofty;Exalted; All; Sublime; Highest Social Standing; To Move Forward;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Alin
  • The Zodiac Sign Scorpio;To Soothe; Scorpion; Bearer of the Light;
  • 9
  • Girl
  • Alinda
  • Balcony;Noble Shield;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Alipriya
  • Beloved of the Blacktree;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Alobhin
  • Free from Greed;Not Wanting or Desiring Anything;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Alok
  • Sun Light; Universe;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Aloka
  • Faultless;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Alola
  • Steady; Firm;Unagitated;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Alolupa
  • Steady; Firm;Free from Desire;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Alopa
  • Faultless;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Alpa
  • Little; Collection of Many Small Things;
  • 3
  • Girl
  • Alpana
  • Decorative Design; Beautiful;
  • 9
  • Girl
  • Alpasaras
  • A Little Jewel;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Alpesa
  • Lord Krishna;The Subtle God;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Alugu
  • Blade;That which Divides;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Aluka
  • Ebony;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Amad
  • Without Intoxication; Much Praised;Serious; One of Many Names of the Prophet Muhammad;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Amadana
  • Lord Shiva;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Amahatha
  • Wanting a House;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Amahiyu
  • Celestial;Not of the Earth;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Amala
  • Spotless;The Pure One; Hope; Unpolluted; Bird; Goddess Laxmi;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Amalatman
  • Virtuous;Pure Minded;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Amalesh
  • The Pure One;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Amama
  • Without Ego;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Amana
  • Affection; Kindness;Friendly Disposition;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Amanath
  • Treasure;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Amanda
  • Active;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Amandeep
  • Light of Peace;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Amandine
  • 7
  • Girl
  • Amandipa
  • Lamp of Peace; Light;Sharp Witted;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Amanthu
  • One who Takes Decision Instantly; Not Slow;Sharp Witted;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Amar
  • One who Lives Forever; Forever; Gods Most Beautiful Creation;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Amara
  • Assistance;Grass; Eternal Beauty; Aid; Unfading; Steadfast; Immortal One; Lovely Forever; Imperishable;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Amaradhipa
  • Lord of the Gods;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Amaraja
  • A Sacred River; Daughter of the Gods;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Amarajita
  • One who Hasconquered the Devas;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Amarajota
  • Light of the Gods;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Amaranaath
  • Lord Shiva;Immortal God;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Amarapa
  • Lord Indra;Lord of the Gods;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Amaraprabhu
  • Lord of the Immortals;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Amararaja
  • King of the Gods;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Amararatna
  • Crystal;Jewel of the Gods;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Amarasarit
  • 2
  • Girl
  • Amarasri
  • Shiva; Lord Vishnu;Eternally Divine;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Amaravati
  • Abode of the Eternal;
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Amardita
  • Unsubdued;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Amarendra
  • Lord of Gods;King of Devas;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Amaresa
  • King of the Gods;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Amaresh
  • King of Andhra;Name of Indra;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Amareyja
  • Preceptor of the Gods;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Amarika
  • Divine; Immortal;One who is Deathless; A God;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Amarisa
  • Lord of the Gods;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Amarishnu
  • Desirous of Immortality;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Amarnath
  • Lord Shiva;Immortal God;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Amaropama
  • Like a God;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Amarsa
  • A Prince; Passion;Anger;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Amaru
  • Immortal;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Amaruka
  • Son of Immortal;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Amarupam
  • God Like;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Amas
  • Raw; Soft;Fine; Not Hard;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Amava
  • Strong; Violent;One who cannot be Humbled; Powerful;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Amavasu
  • Deity of the House;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Amaya
  • Goddess of Nature; Night's Rain;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Amba
  • Goddess Durga;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Ambaka
  • Eye;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Ambala
  • Mother; Scar; Compassionate;
  • 3
  • Girl
  • Ambali
  • Sensitive; Loving; Compassionate;
  • 2
  • Girl
  • Ambalika
  • Mother; One who is Sensitive;
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Ambar
  • Sky; Ambergris; Gold-brown Semiprecious Stone;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Ambara
  • Saffron; Sky;Heaven;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Ambarisa
  • Atmosphere;Ruler of the Sky;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Ambarish
  • Name of Lord Shiva;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Ambastha
  • One who Resides in Water;Devotee of the Sky;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Ambava
  • Making a Sound Like Running Water;Water Like;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Ambaya
  • Mother;
  • 7
  • Girl
  • Ambhoja
  • Born of Water;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Ambhrina
  • Powerful;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Ambhrna
  • Powerful;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Ambika
  • Goddess Parvati / Durga;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Ambikeya
  • Lord Ganesha; Mountain;Of Ambika;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Ambu
  • Water; Beautiful;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Ambuda
  • Cloud;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Ambudhi
  • Ocean;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Ambuja
  • Born of a Lotus; Born from Lotus; Goddess Lakshmi;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Ambumani
  • Nectar;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Ambupa
  • Protector of Water;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Ambupati
  • Ocean;
  • 2
  • Boy
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