Sanskrit Baby Names

Huge collection of 8031 names starting with A - Z, meaning and numerology. Check all the pages to find your unique name for newborn.
  • Baby Name
  • Meaning
  • Numerology
  • Gender
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  • Yoginder
  • God of Yoga;Another Name for Lord Shiva;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Yogini
  • One who can Control Senses;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Yogisa
  • Master of Yoga Practitioners;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Yogisha
  • Master of Yoga Practitioners;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Yogita
  • One who can Concentrate;
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Yogya
  • Perfect; Fame;
  • 1
  • Girl
  • Yojan
  • Mile;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Yomita
  • Well Behaved;
  • 2
  • Girl
  • Yosha
  • Young Woman; Maid;
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Yoshita
  • Women; Lady;
  • 7
  • Girl
  • Yosita
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Yugandhara
  • Strongest of his Time;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Yugandhra
  • 9
  • Girl
  • Yukaar
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Yukt
  • Precious;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Yukta
  • Skillful;Idea; Attentive; Vibrant; Latitude; With Goddess Lakshmi Charms;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Yukti
  • Solution;Strategy; Trick; A Device; Idea; Planning;
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Yuktika
  • Act of Creativity.;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Yuthika
  • Multitude;
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Yuvan
  • Young; Healthy;Strong; A Name of Lord Shiva;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Yuvanav
  • Youth;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Yuvaraja
  • Crown Prince;Son of the King;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Yuvarna
  • 3
  • Girl
  • Yuvati
  • Young Lady;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Yuvek
  • Little Prince;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Yuvika
  • Young Woman; Maid;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Yuvraj
  • Heir Apparent;Prince;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Yuyutsu
  • Eager to Fight;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Zaffarien
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Zishya
  • 7
  • Girl
  • Zukti
  • Idea;
  • 6
  • Boy
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