Sikh Baby Names

Huge collection of 5839 names starting with A - Z, meaning and numerology. Check all the pages to find your unique name for newborn.
  • Baby Name
  • Meaning
  • Numerology
  • Gender
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  • Aadi
  • Sun God; First;Starting; Lord Shiva;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Aadityapal
  • Protector of the Sun;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Aadroop
  • Embodiment of the Beginning-less;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Aagas
  • Sky (from 22nd Pauri of Japji Sahib);
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Aagya
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Aagyakar
  • Obedient;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Aagyapal
  • One who Obeys;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Aakar
  • Shape;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Aakash
  • The Sky;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Aanand
  • Happiness; Blissful; Intelligent;Joy; Delightful; Happiness to Come;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Aar
  • Star; Hero;Abbreviated from Aarav;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Aaradh
  • Adoration;Deep Rapturous Love;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Aarati
  • Towards the Highest Love for God; Divine Fire in Ritual; Form of Worship;
  • 5
  • Girl
  • Aarman
  • Wish;Desire;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Aarti
  • Form of Worship; Worship to God; Prayer;
  • 4
  • Girl
  • Aarushi
  • First Ray of the Sun; Careful;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Aary
  • God Rama;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Aaryan
  • Illustrious;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Aarza
  • 2
  • Girl
  • Aas
  • Faith;Hope; Acceptance; Asylum;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Aasa
  • Hope; Admirable; Aspiration;
  • 4
  • Girl
  • Aasha
  • Hope; Faith;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Aashish
  • Blessing;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Aatma
  • Light of the Lord;Soul;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Aavai
  • To Come;Arrive;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Aayakar
  • Obedient;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Aayatpreet
  • 4
  • Girl
  • Aayu
  • Span of Life; Age;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Aayushi
  • One with Long Life; Live Long;
  • 3
  • Girl
  • Abahijeevan
  • Fearless Life;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Abani
  • Earth;
  • 9
  • Girl
  • Abha
  • More Splendid;Lustre; More or Most Beautiful; Shine;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abhai
  • Without Fear;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abhaidev
  • The God of Protector; The Protecting God;Free of Fear;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abhaijeet
  • Victory over Fear;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abhaijeev
  • A Fearless Being;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Abhaijeevan
  • Fearless Life;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Abhaijot
  • Fearless Guided by Light;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abhaipreet
  • Fearless Love;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abhairaaj
  • Fearless Kingdom;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Abhaitek
  • Having the Fearless God Support;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abhaiveer
  • Fearless and Courageous;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Abhaydeep
  • Sunrise;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abhayjot
  • Fearless;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abheet
  • Fearless;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abhey
  • Fearless;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abhi
  • Fearless; Very Nice; Surprise;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Abhiansh
  • Fearless Portion;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Abhijeet
  • Lord Krishna;Victorious;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Abhijeevan
  • Life;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abhijot-Singh
  • Guided by Light;Fearless;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Abhinaash
  • Immortal;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Abhinav
  • An Act;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abhinoor
  • Angel;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abhiroop
  • Handsome; Pleasant;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Abhirupa
  • Beautiful Woman;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abhishaan
  • Strong;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Abichal
  • 9
  • Girl
  • Abid
  • Worshipper of God; Spark of Fire;Worshipper of Allah;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Abij
  • Seedless;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Abinaash
  • Immortal;Eternal;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abinaashjot
  • Eternal Light;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Abnaasi
  • Immortal;Invincible;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Aboil
  • The Name of a Flower;
  • 3
  • Girl
  • Abrik
  • Precious Like Gold;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Achal
  • Steady; Mountainous;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Achala
  • Constant;Steady; River; Stable; Mountain;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Acharaj
  • Wondrous Being;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Acharjeet
  • Inanimate Victory;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Acharpreet
  • Inanimate Love;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Achet
  • Carefree;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Achetbir
  • Carefree Warrior;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Achetmeet
  • Carefree Friend;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Achint
  • Having No Worry;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Achraj
  • Wondrous;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Adabjot
  • Light of Respect;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Adarsh
  • Ideal;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Adarshpal
  • Keeper of Ideals;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Adarshpreet
  • Ideal Love;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Adesh
  • Command;
  • 1
  • Boy
  • Adeshpal
  • One who Obeys Command;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Adheeshwar
  • Lord of Kings;
  • 2
  • Boy
  • Adhira
  • Lightning; Jasmine;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Adishree
  • Exalted; Goddess Laxmi / Parvati;
  • 6
  • Girl
  • Adishvar
  • 1
  • Girl
  • Adith
  • Sun;
  • 6
  • Boy
  • Aditi
  • Gold;Mother of God; Daughter of God Daksh; Most Graceful; The Earth; Respective;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Aditpal
  • Protector of the Sun;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Aditpreet
  • Love for the Sun;
  • 8
  • Boy
  • Adityapreet
  • Love for the Sun;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Adol
  • Stable;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Adolchit
  • One whose Mind does Not Waver;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Adrika
  • Goddess Lakshmi; Celestial;
  • 8
  • Girl
  • Adrisht
  • Formless Being;
  • 7
  • Boy
  • Adsach
  • Prime Truth;
  • 9
  • Boy
  • Adya
  • Unparalleled; Good Beginning; 1st Preference;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Agadh
  • Unfathomable;
  • 3
  • Boy
  • Agadhbodh
  • Having Unfathomable Knowledge;
  • 5
  • Boy
  • Agadhroop
  • Of Unfathomable Form;
  • 4
  • Boy
  • Agam
  • Intelligent;
  • 4
  • Boy
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